Welcome to Modder Hub Official Website

A beautiful tool for Android Reverser❤️

Modder Hub v2.1.5 MT(8999)
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About Our App

Modder Hub will make your reversing life more comfortable 😅.

Tool with Multiple Features that will help you in Android reversing.. Download it Now and have a try ...Happy Modding 🎉

  • Attractive Features
  • User Friendly Interface
  • Free Dedicated Support
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App UI

Awesome UI Details

  • Clean Code

    Clean and advanced Java code is utilized in this app, implementing a cool concept. Thanks to Sketchware Pro for being a great help in this endeavor!
  • Responsive Design

    Every layout, button, and alert dialog is made with Google Material design, providing a clean UI with various effects for enhanced attractiveness, albeit with a few bugs.
  • Fast Update

    If an update is available, you will be quickly notified to update, which is really awesome! 🔥
  • Quick Start

    In this tool, I added a button to stop the splash screen of Modder Hub, which allows the app to run without having a splash screen l.
  • Demo Video

    Watch A Quick Demo

    Check out this video tutorial and understand how to use this tool for your personal use...❤️

    App Features

    Our Outstanding Features

    Check out thsese features of Modder Hub.

    Change Icon and Name

    You can change the MT icon by long-pressing the app icon, and similarly, you can also change the name. This is not a login process. Although there is a VIP login system but we don't capture your account.

    200 + Unique java codes

    You can check and use the available Java codes in your app for free. More codes will be coming soon. 🥰

    Apk Editor Patches

    A collection of ApkEditor patches that can assist you in various ways. You can browse through them and easily search by name within the activity. This feature enhances usability and can be especially beneficial to you. 🔥

    Real Time Modding Tools Updates

    A collection of modding tools that can assist you in various ways. You can browse through them, and within the activity, you can search by APK name as well. This feature makes it easier to access them in Modder Hub..

    Decompile and Comopile back to Binary XML file

    Modder Hub can assist you in viewing Binary XML files similar to MT Manager VIP. Additionally, you can recompile the XML using this tool. With Modder Hub, you can experience the XML decompilation and compilation features of MT Manager VIP..

    Smali Helper

    By using this feature, you can easily learn Smali language. There is no need for any tutorial; just read and try it yourself.. My Special Thanks to Anant Kumar Vivek ♥️🇮🇳

    App Screen Shots

    • Esay To Use

      Easy to use but there is nothing any harm ful things that can cause to damage your phone.

    • Make Toast For Mod Apk

      Make Toast , Colour Toast,Base 64 Toast, Make Animated Toast🔥

    • Make dialog box for Mod Apk

      Make Dialog, Base64 Dialog, Animated Like BotxDialog, Animated Dialog with check box.🔥

    • Dex and Jar Tools

      You can convert any Dex file to Java, Jar, and also you can Decompile to smali file also.

    • Lib Editor

      You can edit Lib Strings both row method and string method..

    • Antisplit Any App

      A tool designed to merge Split APKs, similar to APKs or ZIP files, into a single APK with reduced errors, though it may contain some bugs.

    • Floating Plugin

      Similar to the MT Manager VIP plugin system, you can experience the same functionality in Modder Hub without needing VIP access.

    • Get full Device Info 🔥

      Get your device full information including Device Id, Device model, Ping Checker, Battery health also and more you can check.

    • Xml Decompiler

      Modder Hub can assist you in decompiling and compiling any binary XML file, similar to the MT Manager VIP XML decompiler and compiler. 😁

    Have Any Question?

    Fequently Asked Question

    Check any of your questions if you have then solve here.

    How can I download the app ?
    If you have telegram the. search @Modder_Hub and then download it from here..Else download it from here by clicking on Download Now on above button..👆👆
    How can I install the latest version app ?
    If you haven't this app then install this app from here then If any update detect by app then in app you can update it easily 😊.
    How can I View Binary XML file without MT VIP ?
    My friend If you're interested in viewing a binary XML file, follow these steps: long-press any binary XML file in MT Manager, select Open with..., choose the Type button, then select System Suggestion. You'll see the Modder Hub APK; simply tap on it, and Modder Hub(TextEditor) will display the decoded file in the TextEditor Activity. You can copy the text, paste it into the MT Manager (No VIP) decompiler, make edits as needed, but please note that Modder Hub cannot compile or directly edit the XML file. Remember this important point. 🙏
    How can I download the latest version of Modding Tools ?
    Open Modder Hub Click on Menu Buton(3 dotts) then again click on Modding Tools Button (Make Sure You are Connected with Good Internet Connection) Then simply search by name and click Download then Enjoy.. ⚠️Note Check About app before downloading tools.
    How can I download ApkEditor Patches ?
    Simple! Just click on ApkEditor Patches button in Menu item then View and Search your requirement click any list view about patch then proceed download .Done. Apply Patch using ApkEditor Pro🤩.
    Screen Interface

    App Screenshot

    Check out these app internal features Screen Shot.📷.

    My Inspiration

    यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः। तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम।।18.78।

    Stand by what's right; even fight for it.


    Our History

    We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think.Words are secondary.Thoughts live they travel far.

    Swami Vivekananda

    Indian Philosopher

    If you born in poor it's not your mistake, but if you die in poor it's your mistake.

    Bill Gates

    Microsoft Founder

    Be the change that you wish to see in the world

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Father of our Nation

    To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal

    APJ Abdul Kalam

    Misile Man

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time

    Thomas Edison

    The Light Man

    My Team

    People and some open-source projects have greatly helped me in building this amazing app using Sketchware. A special thanks to the Sketchware and Sketchware Pro team for creating this marvelous tool that makes learning new things easy. My heartfelt gratitude to Timscriptov for assisting me in numerous programs. Additionally, I extend my special thanks to my Indonesian friend, DeltaMods, who enhanced the APK with advanced protection. Thank you.

    Subscribe Newsletter

    Subscribe now for more feature request..if it possible I will add it on app.

    © Copyright 2022 Modder Hub